Haven’t made biscuits in a years and I thought this would be the perfect recipe to double and freeze some for the baby arrival. Love biscuits but I eat them like a sandwich with butter and deli on them – I am not a fan of the gravy on my biscuits, actually I really hate soggy bread. I changed this recipe from 340 F and to 450F and just made the cooking time shorter. They turned out great. I have actually already made a few batches.
It’s also time for another Secret Recipe Club “assignment!” Every month you get a name of a blog and you need to choose ANY recipe from that blog and then blog about that recipe by a date. It’s a secret because the blog owner does not know you are doing this until the reveal date. My secret blog this month was Mom’s Fridge which is written by Barb.
So I am almost 39 weeks pregnant can’t believe it and this is what I looked like at 13 weeks and here at 38 weeks – huge difference. I am ready – the belly is heavy that is all I have to say. Otherwise i can’t complain my pregnancy has been really easy.

Buttermilk Biscuits
Yield: 10-12
Prep Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
2 cups all-purpose flour and some for dusting
2 tbsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
8 tbsp salted butter, chilled and cubed
¾ cup + 2 tbsp buttermilk
Preheat the oven to 450 F.
Place the flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, and salt in a food processor fitted with a medal blade. Add the cold butter and pulse a few times until the mixture resembles coarse pea or dime-size crumbs. Be careful not to overwork the mixture or the butter will soften too much.
Open the lid and add the buttermilk evenly over the flour. Pulsate a few times until combined, again do not over mix.
Turn the dough onto a floured surface and form it into a ball. Lightly knead the dough 2 or 3 times until combined.
Pat the dough into a 3/4 to 1-inch thick rectangle. Use a 2 to 2 1/2-inch round biscuit cutter to cut out several biscuits. Place them on a ungreased cookie sheet.
Gather the dough scraps, smooth them out (lightly knead if necessary), and pat the remaining dough into another 3/4 to 1-inch thick rectangle or circle. Cut out more biscuits, and then repeat again if necessary to use remaining dough.
Bake the biscuits for 10-12 minutes (rotating the pan front to back halfway through) or until the tops are light brown. Serve warm.
Adapted from: Mom’s Fridge
A Year Ago: Greek Lamb Sliders with Yogurt Sauce
Those biscuits look fantastic! Good luck on your pregnancy.
Oh my goodness! Your little tummy looks beautiful – how exciting!!! First I was interested in getting that biscuit recipe but totally distracted with your pregnant belly. Love that!
Delishhh replied: — February 6th, 2012 @ 9:58 am
Jodi – Thank you for your sweet comment. Yeah it’s pretty much a waiting game now. I am ready though 🙂
Happy to read that things are going well and easy for you, always a positive. Your biscuits look wonderful too.
If you haven’t already, I’d love for you to check out my SRC entry: Crunchy Fudgy Heart Bites
Cook Lisa Cook
I love having biscuits in the freezer. And cookie dough. I keep lots of stuff in my freezer just in case.
Gorgeous biscuits! I so want to have that breakfast sandwich this morning…looks incredible! 🙂
Glad you’ve had an easy pregnancy – you’re very lucky! Now sit back and enjoy another one of those delicious sandwiches, while you still have time to eat an uninterrupted breakfast 🙂
I can’t believe you’re at 39 weeks! Are you ready? So excited!
Delishhh replied: — February 6th, 2012 @ 12:41 pm
Heather – I am so ready – this belly is HEAVY and in the way. But most of all i am so curious i just want to meet her now. Here is a pic of my belly from last week at 38 weeks – http://www.flickr.com/photos/delishhh/6830448117/ But of course i am trying to be relaxed about labor and just want to go with the flow but it is such a unknown it kind of scares me.
The biscuits look great, light and fluffy…I cannot believe that you still baking…good luck my dear!
I look forward to meet the little one 🙂
Delishhh replied: — February 8th, 2012 @ 7:30 pm
Juliana – Thanks, need something to keep me busy now that i am “waiting” around 🙂
mmm… this looks good – I’m getting hungry. I’d better come back to this post on Wednesday, when my detox is over 😉
Oooh these look great…you really are a trooper to still be baking 🙂
Amazing how those little buggers can grow and stretch us out 😉 You STILL look amazing though!
I’m a fan of buttermilk biscuits but I rarely make them myself. I prefer to let my mom make them, I’m spoiled. lol
Delishhh replied: — February 8th, 2012 @ 7:28 pm
Shelby – I know, your body is pretty amazing. Thanks for the nice comments!
I love biscuits, but I’ve never tried freezing them. Great idea. These look yummy!
Ooooh, delicious. I think these are called scones here in the UK. I love them for Sunday tea with butter and jam after a long walk.
Delishhh replied: — February 8th, 2012 @ 7:28 pm
Paula – Being Swedish we call these scones too we use the UK terms :). I love them with butter and jam too, do not like how they serve them here with gravy etc, the southern way. Thanks for stopping by.
OH MY!!!! I am glad you are stocking up so that you will have something to serve when unexpected visitors (Moi!) pop over to see the baby!
Great picture!
ox, Mon
Mmmhhh, what a great combination! A perfect breakfast treat.
YUM! I love buttermilk biscuits so much and these look so perfect, especially with that bacon and egg on there… So glad to hear your pregnancy is going well!! So exciting 😀
I cant wait to try this kind of biscuit..I am craving looking at the photo..I want to share this to my friend also..
Look at you growing! I love biscuits and love your photos!
Aw, how fun to see your pictures of your belly growing. You must be so excited!!
Delishhh replied: — February 8th, 2012 @ 7:26 pm
Sylvie – So excited, curious and scared at the same time 🙂
I am craving looking this picture I want to try this biscuits..Sounds good to eat..Thanks for sharing..
Your buttermilk biscuits look delicious – great that they will freeze well too.
I love this kind of bicuit…Thanks for the recipe and idea here…
Oh my god………this is mouth watering. It seems like these buttermilk biscuits are inviting me to eat them.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe.
Oh Dear!! with the egg and bacon on top. I would LOOK pregnant if I hate those. Cause I would have to eat ALL of them. YUMMY!!
These look like perfection to me. Biscuits are something I find hard to make. No idea why. How exciting to be so close to delivery. You are so lucky it’s been easy, both mine were difficult pregnancies. For my son I got chicken pox while pregnant. My daughter I ended up on bed rest by month 5. I felt good, but my body was a mess.
That breakfast sandwich looks AMAZING!!! I am a savory breakfast fanatic… this is sooo up my alley. And totally do-able. Love it.
Oh my goodness, these look extraordinary – perfect way to eat a biscuit! Congrats on your pregnancy! You’re all beautiful belly and skinny mini everywhere else!
Ilove biscuits, so thanks for the recipe
The introduction of the baking of processed cereals including the creation of flour provided a more reliable source of food. Egyptian sailors carried a flat, brittle loaf of millet bread called dhourra cake, while the Romans had a biscuit called buccellum.,
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